Whitney Bedford
An Unmade Garden, 2018
Ink and oil on canvas on panel
60 x 84 in
Photo Credit: Evan Bedford
Whitney Bedford
An Unmade Garden, 2018
Ink and oil on canvas on panel
60 x 84 in
Photo Credit: Evan Bedford
You are finally sitting on your throne you have a wand that is your symbol of life and creativity. This work deals with permanence and satisfaction. everything you have put your efforts into for a long time will pay off in the future. It suggests that everything will work out well in the end – for you have always kept the long term picture in view, choosing to take no shortcuts. Your legacy is sure to stand for quite a long time to come. This is a relief, for the path to get here has been filled with setbacks and challenges, making this point of the journey even sweeter., 2023
Acrylic and flashe on canvas
72 x 84 inches
Stephen Eichhorn
Ceaseless Wheel, 2018
Collage on acrylic coated panel
84.75 x 84.75 in
Googol, 2015
Acrylic on linen
95 x 189 inches (4 panels)
Minding the Gap, 2059, 2016
Wool, cotton, hand cut & stitched and bleach on canvas
72 x 108 inches
Andrew Holmquist
Heaven, 2019
Oil and acrylic on canvas
84 x 144 inches
walking as I stand
Installation view, Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago
September 15 – October 28, 2017
Untitled (Self-portrait with Square II)
1973, printed 2014
Modern gelatin silver print made from the original 1973 film negative
28 x 22.75 inches, framed
Hilma’s Ghost (Dannielle Tegeder and Sharmistha Ray)
Go ahead, go for it! Go after what you want. You know it’s right in front of you so reach out and grab it. Missing an opportunity because you don’t take it is worse than trying and failing. Maybe the success will be in the failure? Live without regrets because at least you tried., 2021
Acrylic and flashe on canvas
72 x 96 inches
Fall, 2010
Cast bronze
Dimensions variable
Cutaway #3, 2011
Joint compound on sheet rock
87 x 58 inches
Ovum #2, 2013
C-print mounted between aluminum and Plexiglas
72 x 72 inches
Edition of ten and two Artist’s Proofs
Untitled, 2013
Oil and beeswax on panel
Triptych, 56 x 108 inches
Adrian Wong
Installation view at The Armory Show, 2019, New York.